

There's a lot of information here, and all of this is interesting, but it is too difficult for me.

I would do it, but I don't have time for such a serious process.

I'm overloaded now; maybe in the future (in a week, month, or year) I will start it.

I want to start right now, but with what do I start with?

I'm only interested in the issue of my career (or relationships, money, body shape, communications, confidence, self-discipline…). Why do I need everything else?

I want to start, but I have a problem of deep depression (or emotional imbalance, alcohol, drugs…).

How is all this different from... (name of the book, technique, training program, philosophy)?

How I can help you?

Can I participate in your work?




Q: There's a lot of information here, and all of this is interesting, but it is too difficult for me.

A: Life is a complex but interesting thing. Yes, certain intellectual and emotional efforts are required; it's not just some fun in social networks or a superficial article in a glossy magazine. But that's how the real results are reached.

To make things easier, there is a basic and a more advanced level (with more advanced results).

But before you begin, we urge you to make the following comparison. You've gone to school or college. This project is not more difficult than one of the subjects in your high school classes, and definitely no more difficult than an average college course. But the influence of personal strategy on your life is significantly greater than all of those courses combined.

And, at last, the team that helps you to create your personal strategy will surely help you. The main thing is to make sure that the people in your team have the necessary abilities to help you succeed.



Q: I would do it, but I don't have time for such a serious process.

A: Ask yourself, "What could possibly take my time that would be more important than my entire life? Than what can define all of my life for decades to come?"

Speaking about the Balanced System, we're talking about you investing several hours or days in understanding and preparation, and then 10-20 minutes a day in system maintenance. Certainly, the return only in terms of time will exceed your investment many times. But your complete life transformation will be a far more important result.

The Creative Breakthrough can also take several days or weeks of your effort. But as a result of this process, you may decide to radically change your life for the best (in a direction that you even may not guess now). And then many things that occupy your life now may simply disappear.




Q: I'm overloaded now; maybe in the future (in a week, month, or year) I will start it.

A: With this attitude, unfortunately, it is likely that you will never start. Again, it’s a question of priorities. To start to understand and act, you'll need to invest several hours of your time, investments that will return to you immediately due to your more effective daily existence (for example, see Life Control Panel). If you postpone it for the future, you establish in your consciousness that your life does not represent a high priority for you. It is better to fight against that sort of attitude now.




Q: I want to start right now, but with what do I start with?

A: This depends on your situation. Take the mini-test and define the areas of your life that are demanding the greatest attention.

There are two main scenarios: either you're satisfied with your life model (the index of life model is close to 100), or you’re not.

If you're completely satisfied with your current life model, then your road is to optimization of the Balanced System.

If you're not satisfied with your current life model, then it is best to start your Creative Breakthrough, and then, once your new personal architecture has been defined, you can optimize it using the tools in the Balanced System.

A possible option is to begin with some of the elements of the Balanced System immediately (for example, to start exercise), and then to go to the Creative Breakthrough. The main thing is that the delay not be extended for a long time.
And in any case, immediately start to think about the team.



Q: I'm only interested in the issue of my career (or relationships, money, body shape, communications, confidence, self-discipline…). Why do I need everything else?

A: When you plunge into the modules of the Balanced System, you will understand that none of these questions can be solved in isolation. All three blocks ("Body", "Goals" and "Mood") and all of the specific modules strongly influence each other, either directly or indirectly. The most effective way to reach the maximum result in a specific area is to "pump up" all of your life.

At the same time, the area of your special attention can also serve as a starting point. Having begun with implementation of concrete recommendations about your burning question, you will very quickly face the need to develop all of the others. Having passed through several cycles of gradual improvements, you will cover the entire system of your life, and may also come to the need of changing your life model.



Q: I want to start, but I have a problem of deep depression (or emotional imbalance, alcohol, drugs…).

A: Our team is in no way a psychotherapeutic, let alone a medical service. Therefore, using our techniques will not bring you any benefit, and if you independently try to do something, it will unjustifiably shift the focus of your attention. Instead, you MUST work with qualified professionals who will help you to solve your problem.



Q: How is all this different from... (name of the book, technique, training program, philosophy)?

A: There is no resource in the world that would cover the question of your personal strategy as it is covered here. For a more detailed understanding of differences and distinctive features, see the section Methodology.



Q: How I can help you?

A: First of all, the main result that we aspire to is for you to understand and apply what you see here to your own life.

In addition, you can help by sharing this with others. It could be people whom you know closely (maybe potential members of your team). We also will be grateful to you if you use social networking tools: recommendations, likes, re-posting, and/or placement of the reference to the project (or specific subjects) on your personal page, blog, etc. The more people see this information, the better.



Q: Can I participate in your work?

A: Participating in live discussions in social networks is the main tool for this purpose. We also sometimes gather seminars/discussion clubs, where we discuss development of techniques, approaches and exercises. Your active and beneficial participation in processes online (discussion and distribution of knowledge of personal strategy) is a way to participation in such events.

