What to Start with and How to Create Your Personal Strategy Project

On this site, you will find everything needed for real change of your entire life now and for decades forward.

There is a lot of information here that is important for the development of all your life. But this site is not an information resource; it is a practical tool of change of your life. Therefore, it is important to use this site correctly for the purpose of creating your personal strategy.

Do not just click randomly on various sections. Studying separate modules without a connection to the general process is senseless; do not spend your valuable time doing this.

The most effective process, as practiced by thousands of people who are successfully realizing their strategies, is described below. The main objective is to start and realize your Personal Strategy Project.

Before You Begin: Registration

As it's not casual reading, but real work on your life, you need to have a personal account (work goes through it). For this, you need to register.
Registration is required for access to restricted materials, interactive tools, exercises, templates, applications and tests, and, most importantly, to advance through the steps of your personal project. Registration is free.


Step 1: Basic Knowledge

Study the modules General Strategy, Balanced System and Creative Breakthrough. This usually takes 40-50 minutes. These three modules will give you an understanding of what personal strategy is and what it will bring to you in your life. They will also give you the main choice about your readiness for radical change of your life model.

Step 2: The Choice of Project Type

After that, decide whether it is necessary for you and whether you want to change radically your current life model. You can take the Mini-test and determine the areas demanding your greatest attention.

There are two main scenarios:

  • you are not satisfied with your current life model (an index of life model by results of the Mini-test is low), and then continue to Step 3a (the project of creating your new life).

  • you are satisfied with your current life model (the index of life model by results of the Mini-test is close to 100), and then continue to Step 3b (the project of balancing and improving your current life).

Step 3a: Project of Creating Your New Life

If you want to completely change your life model, your personal strategy project uses the process found in the Creative Breakthrough section. You need to complete the modules precisely in that sequence as they are presented in the menu on the left and are described in the module Self-Innovation Process. If you skip even just one of the modules, the meaning of the whole process is lost. This process has been successfully implemented many thousands of times with companies and people, and the result is reached precisely in this manner.

Certainly, you can quickly run through the content of the modules. But the understanding of what is necessary to do will demand a more thoughtful and deep attitude to the contents. You can study all of the modules at first, or begin the process of strategy creation immediately; both approaches work, and the choice depends on your personal preference.

In each module, you will find specific steps that should be carried out, including exercises, templates and tools. With each step, you will move forward to creating your strategy, and then finally come to its practical execution.



Starting with the early stages of this process you should think about the composition of your team which will make the process of your strategy creation much more effective.

After your new life model (personal architecture) has been defined, you can supplement it with the tools of the Balanced System


Step 3b: Project of Improving Your Current Life

If you are satisfied with your life model (or if you do not yet feel ready for radical changes), the purpose of your personal strategy project is to balance and improve your current life in each direction, due to the improvement of the entire system. The site section Balanced System, including all of the modules, is designed to guide you through this process.

We understand that some specific questions in your life may be of a greater interest for you at a certain point; for example, you may be more concerned with your career, relationships, money, physical development, self-discipline, or confidence, etc. Besides, the results of the Mini-test will also help you to define the most important areas for your development.


But do not hurry and jump to the sections that interest you. The main thing in this process is to understand that all of these elements in your life (both those that you are now very much concerned about, and those that you do not think about or consider to be okay)

  • should be balanced in the correct proportions
  • strongly influence each other


Thus, the most effective way to solve a specific problem is is to change your entire life, using a balanced advance in all directions.

Only after having understood this system of powerful interrelations does it makes sense to continue to the specific modules on specific subjects. You will find specific recommendations in each module (many of them are numerical) and practical tools.

A powerful tool for realization of the Balanced System is the Life Control Panel, which allows you to lay down specific numerical goals for all of the elements of your Balanced System, track progress, and correct your actions for the most effective results and to develop positive routines and habits.

If your problem is urgent, you can begin with the subject that interests you right now, but after that, the web of inter-dependencies will drive you to focus on all of the other aspects of your life.

But the most effective sequence of implementation of your project is:

  • Study all of the modules of the Balanced System in the sequence presented in the left menu (from physical foundation to motivation)

  • Study and start to use the Life Control Panel

  • Start the practical implementation of specific module recommendations

You can begin with your most burning tasks and then continue to the modules that influence such tasks (in each module, they are specified in the first paragraphs).
If you do not know where to begin yet, we strongly recommend that you begin with the physical foundation. Having studied the modules, you will understand the influence of your hormonal balance, both on all factors of your psychological mood and on all goals and areas of achievements in your life.

By precisely carrying out specific numerical recommendations in the modules on exercise, nutrition, and sleep and rest, you will create a powerful foundation for radical improvement in all other areas of your life.

Good luck with your work on your personal strategy!

