
ATTENTION! This module is part of your Personal Strategy Project. Studying it separately will give you no practical results.
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Fitness affects your entire life Your entire life affects fitness


As you can see from the diagram and logic, fitness has a direct impact on your health and appearance that, in turn, have a direct impact on your attractiveness and ultimately relationships and sexuality. Your good health, attractiveness, and the self-discipline that you develop with regular exercises helps you in your career and education, helps you make money, and helps you to spend your money in a rational way. Rationality is promoted by mental clarity, which is improved by physical fitness.

Previously, we have discussed how hormones have a positive effect on your emotional and spiritual state of being, contributing to a positive attitude toward your life. When you understand or feel what a huge impact fitness has on your entire life, there should be no problem in finding motivation for exercise, right?

So, we promised you specific recommendations and numerical parameters. Here they are.



This module is not an article for casual reading, but a practical tool of your Personal Strategy Project. To continue working with the most important parts of this module (including access to restricted materials, interactive tools, tests, exercises, templates and applications), you need to Register.

If you just want to browse, then this site is not for you. But if you want to get real results, then do Register and start working on your life.

