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Self-realization affects your entire life Your entire life affects self-realization

It's important to first agree on definitions. In our system "self-realization" is a numerical parameter, discovering and achieving your maximum potential in life in a unique way.

For some, self-realization is the meaning of life, but in this system, it is important that it is first and foremost a great influence on your sense of life satisfaction and happiness.

This also has a positive effect on important parts of your life, such as your peace of mind, energy, optimism, and sometimes your spirituality. For many people, self-realization is a key motivator. Highly-driven, self-realizing people are much more attractive than people mindlessly dragging through a boring routine of their lives.


What affects your self-realization? Often, it is associated with other parts of our system. Some people may attain self-realization through their career, through their family, through sports, or through their spirituality.

Understand what you choose be clear about it. Then, attaining your self-realization will depend on clearly defined goals, mental clarity, and your calm confidence in achieving them. Self-realization requires energy, self-discipline, and overall motivation. All of the Balanced System and the elements described here are paving your way to self-realization.




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