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Spirituality affects your entire life Your entire life affects spirituality


For a start, as usual, let’s agree on definitions. Spirituality is not necessarily a religious theme, although for some people religion has important spiritual aspects. What we are talking about here are fundamental, spiritual principles that are the basis of your existence. This works for religious people, and for atheists and agnostics, too (the latter are those who do not deny the existence of God, but also do not find inside themselves a deep faith not based on logic).

The only difference is where these principles come from. For religious people, their principles come from faith, or perhaps from religious teachings. For non-religious people, their principles may come from their family, society, education, personal path to knowledge and feelings and life experience. One way or another, all people have these principles that are more or less consciously formulated and more or less conducive to their development and existence, to which they aspire.


In our system, spirituality plays a special role. Many religious people, and even some non-religious people, believe that spirituality is generally the only basis for happiness and everything else is just superficial nonsense. In our system, spirituality is an important component, but it is not the only one; it is closely linked with, influences and is influenced by other components, and, of course, it has a direct impact on happiness.

Spirituality can be an important element of motivation, and it can help you to discipline your mind. Your peace of mind often depends on spirituality, and your optimism and energy can also depend on it. Many variants of positive thinking suggest acting on faith, without necessarily basing your decisions on logic. Spirituality can help you in terms of communication and how others perceive you. This helps in many elements of attractiveness, your relationships, communication with your friends and family, and, in some cases, it also helps you in your career.


What affects spirituality? To some degree, you need to have clear, enlightened consciousness, i.e. mental clarity. There are many religions and cults that practice entering a trance, for example, or the cultivating some mystical feeling. But in this system we are preoccupied with your long-term happiness, not short-term condition. The cultivation of isolated mystical feelings, especially under the influence of drugs, usually is not useful for your long-term goals. So, mental clarity is a very important element.

Energy and optimism are two components that often affect your spirituality, as they fuel your spirituality. Self-discipline is often important to have in order to follow the principles required by your spirituality.


What do we mean by these principles?




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