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Attractiveness affects your entire life Your entire life affects attractiveness


Everyone wants to look better, earn more money, and grow mentally and emotionally in order to become a more attractive person.

For many people looks and attractiveness is a major goal by itself. People get direct satisfaction from the fact that they look good. But looks and attractiveness also affect directly many other elements of the Balanced System. For example, it can lead to improvements in your relationships, as well as in intimacy with your partner. Human attraction strongly affects your social life, and it has been proven that career success is closely linked to an attractiveness for both men and women.

When interviewing for a job, a more attractive candidate has a better chance of getting the position, other factors being equal. It is well known that men pay more attention to beautiful, attractive women than to women who are less attractive. That’s just a fact of life. But the same is true of the attractiveness of men. Each person uses their attractiveness for reaching different goals.

What affects your appearance and level of attractiveness? Often, the motivation for the development of a solid physical foundation is precisely to increase your attractiveness. This is, of course, a very strong influence. Body shape, posture, complexion, skin texture, and perceived age are all consequences of a proper physical foundation, as described in the modules of fitness, food, sleep and health. Intimacy also has a strong positive effect (via hormones) on your appearance and your mental attitude, thus making you a much more attractive person.

Specific mood elements, such as confidence, optimism, and energy have a huge positive impact on your level of attractiveness. The amount of work you put into these components is directly related to how much your attractiveness will increase.



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