

The main source used by us is decades of practical experience of our team in creating strategies (both corporate and personal) in many countries. Besides deep practical experience, our team also uses numerous sources, including hundreds of books, articles, research, scientific studies, Internet resources, etc.

There is no single external source in which all of the elements of personal strategy would be integrated the way that they are integrated and developed by us. Nevertheless, a small selection of resources that can be useful for specific subjects is given below.

Strategy Resources

"Value Migration" by Adrian Slywotzky

This book was written by a partner with whom Paul worked at Mercer Management Consulting (a.k.a. Oliver Wyman), one of the world leaders in strategy consulting. The book became a world bestseller thanks to an innovative approach to development of strategy. Elements of this approach are used in the general strategy and in the Creative Breakthrough.

"Profit Zone" by Adrian Slywotzky

"Profit Patterns" by Adrian Slywotzky

Two more world bestsellers written by Paul’s partner at Mercer (Oliver Wyman). These books allow you to train your consciousness in search of new models and patterns, and give a number of archetypes and examples for strategic transformation.

"Unstoppable" by Chris Zook

This book was written by Paul's partner with whom he worked at Bain & Co, another world leader in strategy consulting. This book gives a balanced approach to developing new strategies, using existing assets and competencies.

"Blue Ocean Strategy" by Chan Kim

Approach to strategy with a focus on uniqueness.

"Competitive Strategy" by Michael Porter

Classical, though a little out-of-date, book with a focus on competitive fight.



Tools & Approaches Resources

"Reengineering the Corporation" by Michael Hammer

Classical approach to improving operation efficiency due to changing processes; their theme is simplification and focus on main goals. This approach is meaningful only in the presence of a healthy general model, both in corporate and personal strategy. To optimize a declining business or personal model is meaningless.

"The Balanced Scorecard" by Robert Kaplan

Classical approach to management based on the balanced scorecard and key metrics. This and adjacent approaches forms the basis for the Balanced System.

"The Goal" by Eliyahu Goldratt

A bestseller describing improvement of operations and efficiency in a pseudo-prose form.

"Wharton on Making Decisions" by Stephen J. Hoch

Multifaceted approach to decision-making.

"Motivation and Goal-Setting" by Jim Cairo

"Breaking through Culture Shock" by Elizabeth Marx

"Getting Started with Conjoint Analysis" by Bryan Orme

"Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done" by Larry Bossidy

This book focuses on strategy execution.




Teamwork & Project Management Resources

"A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge" by Project Management Institute (PMI)

"The Definitive Guide to Project Management" by Sebastian Nokes

"Communications Skills for Project Managers" by Michael Campbell

"The First-Time Manager’s Guide to Team Building" by Gary Topchik

The following two books represent two opposite ends of the range of emotions against intelligence. In our project, the left-and right-brain approaches are integrated.

"Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman

The classical book that has introduced the concept of emotional intelligence to the masses.

"The Bell Curve" by Richard Herrnstein

Powerful but controversial book showing (through hundreds of scientific studies) the influence of intelligence on success in life. This book caused significant disputes in the US because of political correctness (in particular, because the strong genetic component of intelligence is established).



Balanced System Module Resources

"Fitness & Health" by Brian Sharkey

The book is based on in-depth scientific studies and also provides practical recommendations in the field of sports and health.

"USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference"
Full nutrient database for all foods, supported and updated by the US government. The majority of Internet resources, books and calorie calculators in the world use this database or its simplified versions.

"The Harvard Medical School Guide to a Good Night's Sleep" by Lawrence Epstein

Systemic and practical approach to sleep improvement.

"The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook" by Martha Davis

A classical book on relaxation and stress management.

"What Color Is Your Parachute?" by Richard Bolles

Millions of people in the world built their careers by means of this book.

"Investments" by Zvi Bodie

The classical guide to investments, one of the deepest and most popular in world economics and business schools. It is based on fundamental research with practical application, and it avoids momentary populism.

"A Random Walk down Wall Street" by Burton Malkiel

This bestseller has overturned financial consciousness of the whole generation of private investors. This book, along with other similar research studies in finance and investments, led to the mass refusal of the idea of beating the market.

"All about Asset Allocation" by Richard Ferri

This book shows the same fundamental principles as "Random Walk down Wall Street," but can be used for drawing up a practical plan to achieve financial independence.

"The Wall Street Journal Complete Personal Finance Guidebook" by Jeff Opdyke

A straightforward guide to personal finance.

"Your Money or Your Life" by Vicki Robin

This bestseller helps people to arrange priorities in their life, with a focus on personal finance and the achievement of financial independence.

"Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus" by John Gray

With more than 50 million copies sold, this is one of the most popular books about relationships. The main idea is that the psychology of men and women differs, and that the relationships between them should be built around these distinctions.

"Confidence" by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Systemic approach to confidence, calmness and positive expectations, stated by the professor of the Harvard business school. Includes connection with other areas and also an essential role of team support.

"Learned Optimism" by Martin Seligman

The author of the book is one of founders of a world science of positive psychology. The book is based on decades of scientific and clinical research, and it makes practical recommendations.

"Energy SourceBook" by Jill Henry

Theoretical and practical guide to increasing personal energy, including physical and psychological factors and exercises.

"Thinking, Fast and Slow" by Daniel Kahneman

One of the bestsellers in the field of thinking, this book sheds light on questions of thinking processes, clarity of consciousness and left-right brain balance.

"Drive" by Daniel Pink

This bestseller was published in many countries. It represents a broad view on motivation, covering many factors of life and work.

"The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg

One of the most popular books about the powerful influence of habits on achieving success.

"Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson

One of the most popular books in the world on mood management. The main thought, which has been taken out in the name (do not worry about the small stuff), is spread out to dozens of concrete recommendations.

"The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" by Stephen R. Covey

A classic of personal effectiveness.

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie

Among the thousands of books written in the 20th and 21st centuries on the subject of communication, it is hard to find any that would surpass this classic.

"Goals" by Brian Tracy

This book does not cover finding goals based on analysis, creative idea generation and criteria-based choice. But this book, written by a well-known motivational speaker about establishing and achieving goals is simple and straightforward, and can be useful from a technical point of view.

"Awaken the Giant Within" by Anthony Robbins

The book was written by one of the most well-known motivational speakers in the world. It describes control over psychological mood with help from NLP (neurolinguistic programming) and other adjacent techniques.

"The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle

Millions of copies of this book have been sold; it professes the spiritual option to live in the moment.

"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill

"The Secret," New Age, and most emotional and psychological courses owe much to this classical book, which is focusing on auto-suggestion.

"The Secret" by Rhonda Byrne

The book and the corresponding film attracted a large audience with the simplicity of the main message (you receive what you think about), and also the dramatic nature of film realization. Sharing in the religious component of this book is optional, but the power of visualization and auto-suggestion is often used in many areas of development.




General Resources

Religious Texts (Bible, Koran, Torah, Confucianism, Buddhist and Hinduism doctrines, esoteric interpretations and variations)
Each person builds relations with religion, including the existence or absence of faith and belonging to a specific religion or one of its variations. Sometimes, these relations become one of the important factors of personal strategy (but in any case, it is not the only factor).

Philosophy (from Ancient Greek to modern)
It is impossible for one book to cover all history and depth of world philosophy as applied to an individual. As in the case of religion, often, philosophical immersion gives people a fundamental base for their personal existence.

* for simplification of this section, in many cases, the book titles are given in a short form (without subtitles); only one author from several is specified.  

