Physical Foundation
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A good physical foundation is a very important part of the Balanced System and it is the easiest starting point for changing your life. For those who do fitness and follow a diet, this information will be an excellent addition to the material you already know (but it may also shock you), and for those who do not, this will be a useful and concise guide to the world of health and proper physical activity.
First, why you should start with a physical foundation? Physical factors directly affect happiness hormones (such as serotonin, dopamine and endorphins). They also affect the reduction of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood. After jogging or working out at the gym, your mood will improve, you will hold your head up higher, getting more energy, and the problems in your life will become easier to resolve.
Maybe you will feel pride over going to the gym to improve your body shape and health, instead of spending yet another evening on the couch. This is part of the reason why exercise makes you feel good, but the underlying cause of your elevated mood after exercise is the endorphins that are released. Those who run know that after 20-30 minutes on a treadmill, it is easier to run, and even if you wanted to quit 5 minutes ago, you can run another 20-30 minutes without much difficulty. Some people call it a second wind, but from a medical standpoint, this occurs because of the hormones mentioned earlier that bring you a feeling of joy.
Creating a good physical foundation is the easiest way to affect other parts of your system. For example, if you still don’t know how to increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex, you’ll notice that when you start to exercise and eat right, this area of your life will improve. Why? Because the physical foundation has a direct impact on your health, appearance, and quality of your sexual life. Your appearance, along with improving mood factors (confidence, energy, optimism and joy) strongly shape your overall attractiveness.
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