

Thousands of people use the tools of personal strategy and change their entire lives. Here are a few disguised examples of results in the "before and after" format. In parentheses, the tools used in each example are specified.

Each life and each way is unique, but the range of examples and situations shows that any person, including you, can use these tools.

We are sure that you can create the same comparison "before and after" for yourself, soon.


Successful businessman, 42 years old
Journalist, 22 years old
Internet entrepreneur, 29 years old
Mother of two children, 37 years old
Top executive of a large corporation, 38 years old
Owner of a small shop, 45 years old
College student, 19 years old
Husband and wife, 35 and 28 years old
A female immigrant living in Europe, 31 years old
Scientist (PhD), 54 years old

Successful businessman, 42 years old (Balanced System, Creative Breakthrough)



Success in career and money.

Progress and self-realization in career; absolutely new activity.

Worked 14-16 hours per day. Was chronically stressed, overloaded, and nervous.

Balanced lifestyle and work, has a relaxed positive mood.

Weight >240 lb.
High percent of body fat.
Improper nutrition, unhealthy regimen.

Weight <180 lb.
Athletic body.
Regular sports activities, healthy nutrition, sleep and rest.

Smoked (2 packs per day).

Does not smoke.

Alcohol intake.

Does not drink alcohol.

Problems in relationships.

Happy relationships.

Problems with health.

Fine state of health.

Feeling senselessness and of being lost

Feeling of satisfaction with life and "correctness" of the events, understanding and achievement of the highest goals.


Journalist, 22 years old (Balanced System)



Uncertainty in career.

Self-realization in a very promising career, powerful development of new skills.

Unbalanced lifestyle.

Balanced lifestyle

Weight >150 lb., low self-esteem because of body.

Weight <130 lb., fine body.

Flirting with smoking.

Does not smoke.

Alcohol intake.

Does not take alcohol.

Total absence of relationships.

Happiness in relationships.

Disappointment in men, dreams of an international life and career.

International career, continuous travel together with a loved one.


Internet entrepreneur, 29 years old (Creative Breakthrough)



Boring deadlock work, tensions in relations with boss.

Creation and successful development of a new online business in a segment using previously unused personal competences.

Problems with money because of life in a large and expensive city.

Moving to another country with favorable climate and drastically lower cost of life. Continuous travel.

Life with a partner demanding increasing material benefits and being "realistic" about all new ideas. No respect from partner.

Happy life with a new partner, sharing values and new lifestyle.

Circle of acquaintances who have wallowed in minute problems, splashing out negativity and not sharing dreams.

Fundamentally changed and evolved circle of friends and like-minded people.

Thoughts of senselessness of life, feeling like a tired-out animal.

Previously unknown feeling of full satisfaction with what is happening, and expectation of even more interesting development of life.


Mother of two children, 37 years old (Balanced System, Creative Breakthrough)



More than 12 years of life devoted to raising children, past professional skills were lost, interest focus had narrowed.

Found herself in new area of art about which she previously knew almost nothing. Joined a group of like-minded people; this calling turned into a good source of income.

Problems with weight (>175 lb., high percent of body fat), health and appearance. Periodic experiments with rigid diets and fitness, absence of results ended in disappointment.

Fit body, percent of body fat is considerably lowered (weight: <145 lb). Eats variety of delicious and satiating food, gets regular rest, is relaxed and in a comfortable condition.

Low level of self-esteem, negative attitude to everything in life, constant whining.

Sharply increased level of self-confidence and optimism, revived sense of humor and charisma.

Circle of contacts limited by acquaintances in a similar situation and with a similar attitude to life.

New circle of contacts, including new friends, like-minded people and an intensive social life.

Cooling of relationship with husband. In her opinion, this was because of her body, appearance and age; in his opinion, this was because of her "deteriorated" character.

New, fresh attitude from husband: revived care, romanticism and some jealousy. According to her husband, it's breathtaking what positive changes have occurred to his wife.


Top executive of a large corporation, 38 years old (Balanced System, Creative Breakthrough)



Reached everything that is possible in career, lost sincere interest to further advance and earn an even bigger quantity of money.

Considerably changed the field of activity. Resigned from the large company, mobilized finance and some partners. Organized new own business in an area that was his hobby for many years and in which he was the recognized expert.

Routines of business demand continuous hard work (12-16 hours per day, including many weekends).

Business hours decreased somewhat (down to 12 hours per day), but the new kind of activity brings much more pleasure and relaxation than stress.

Stress, problems with health, weight and sexuality. Membership in an expensive fitness club. Irregular visits there with colleagues and partners with more talking than actual fitness. Frequent plentiful business lunches and dinners.

Daily intensive fitness activities (at least 40-50 minutes), mostly at home or outdoors, instead of at the fitness club. Eats regular healthy food. Mastered and regularly applies Eastern techniques of relaxation. Radical improvement of health, body, appearance and intimate life.

Two divorces, sporadic relationships with frequent changes of partners. Complete disbelief in sincerity of relationships of men and women.

New level of kindness and relaxed attitude allowed him to create a strong relationship with a woman whom he considers the biggest love of his life.

Social life around colleagues and partners in business, and also periodic entertainment (nightclubs, etc.).

Social life moved towards new interests, deep communication and joint travel with closest friends.

Loss of real, sincere emotions and the general feeling that life is stalling.

General feeling of inspiration and "the new birth."


Owner of a small shop, 45 years old (Balanced System)



Developed her own business for more than 15 years, the peak of business has passed, and pressure of large retail chains led to falling financial performance.

Shop repositioning in another niche where pressure of big chains is not felt. Sharp improvement of financial performance.

The habit to spend money for expensive things, entertainment and travel led to problems with personal finance. No savings or investments besides what is tied to the business.

Clear split between the basic value of things and entertainment and unessential expenditure. Drawing up and successful implementation of the personal financial plan with the goal of financial independence.

Keeps control of weight with rigid diets. Absence of intensive exercise, problems with sleep. Stress, nervousness, increased problems with health.

Balanced program of exercise, nutrition and rest. Revived pleasure from food. Always in a relaxed and positive condition.

Dominates in the relations in the family (with the husband and children). Problems in business and a psychological spirit are negatively reflected in the atmosphere in the family. Suspects her husband of cheating.

More sensitive attention to the relations in her family and to the interests of her husband and children. Working on style of communication, cultivation of kindness and acceptance of everything as given. Radical improvement of the atmosphere in the family (according to all members of the family).


College student, 19 years old (Balanced System, Creative Breakthrough)



High level of abilities, but low level of organization. Almost total absence of achievements of which it is possible to be proud.

Organization and discipline in life. Sets specific goals, tasks and deadlines, and tracks performance daily.

Continuous job search. Alternation of places of work: short, uninteresting and not bringing enough money.

Joined a dynamic young team developing a new media project. Accepted by the team as equal, respected by the team, and brings real value to it.

Does not attract girls, cannot get a good date, occasional dates are short and unsatisfactory.

The increased self-confidence, vigor, "spark in the eyes," fitness activities and attention to appearance made him much more attractive to girls. Problems with dates and relationships left in the past.

Spends nights in social networks, video games, etc. Rare communication with superficial friends is loaded with bravado of cool "machos".

New circle of real communication related to new activity. True friends sharing interests.

Philosophizes about meaning of life and about life path, flirts with esotericism. Never does anything to really change his life.

Confidently goes through life, defined the main goals for 5-10 years and really reaches them.


Husband and wife, 35 and 28 years old (Creative Breakthrough)



Neither are satisfied with the work: he, because of the low income and high workload; she, because of the absence of respect and any prospect of growth.

Both dumped restrictions of routines and habits, and created own business, which has turned into the motor of their existence. Changed the city of residence and lifestyle. Travel, combining business and pleasure.

Coexistence turned into boring routine. Common interests exist, but do not bring pleasure. Attempts to add romance, play and novelty in relationship look artificial and don't bring desired result.

New joint activity filled with colors and emotions. New impressions, interests, places, friends, etc.

Long history of courses on personal growth, psychological consultations and coaching. Temporary surges in emotions, absence of real results; disappointment.

Changed life model, clearly defined common and personal goals, confidently go by the way of their achievement. Psychological spirit and emotions at the highest level in both hers and his life

No children; both consider themselves not ready for the birth and education of children.

Made the decision on the birth of their child.

The general atmosphere is of depression and hopelessness, only emphasized and aggravated with artificial mantras such as, "Everything is fine," "We are happy," "Life is fine," etc.

For feelings of happiness, auto-suggestion is not required anymore. Neither are mantras, nor questions of happiness necessary anymore. In response to the question, "Are you happy?" the answer is a sincere "Yes."


A female immigrant living in Europe, 31 years old (Balanced System, Creative Breakthrough)



Married, moved to Europe 7 years ago. Kindness and respect between her and her husband, but there is no "spark" or any real passion. Melancholy and sadness.

Having seriously considered the possibility of divorce, she refused it. Took in hand relationships in the family, helped her husband to plunge into the culture and in the new project connected with her home country. Relationships became more colorful.

Found work, but interest in it and professional self-realization is not present. At work, experienced neglectful and condescending attitude toward herself.

Replaced boring deadlock work with an inspiring project connecting people with certain interests in her home country and in Europe. Restored her skills of leadership and charisma.

For some time tried to adopt local culture and habits, but it led to an internal conflict with her home country culture and character. Realized and resigned to the fact that she belongs to her culture, living in another country.

Belonging to her culture is at the heart of her new project. Instead of hostility, positive search and use of similarities and distinctions.

The circle of contacts divided, with friends and relatives of the husband on the one hand, and fellow immigrants on the other hand. None of these groups bring satisfactory communication. No close friends. Close relations with former girlfriends from home country also faded away.

The new extended circle of contacts connected with the new project. Made many new friends, including in her home country. Frequent trips to her home country in connection with the project.

Does not do fitness, tries to monitor nutrition, but not carefully. Temptations lead to problems with health.

Regular fitness activities, new eating habits, radical improvement of health. Ceased to drink alcohol.

Low self-esteem, low motivation, problems with willpower. General feeling of apathy, inability and unwillingness to do or change anything in life.

General feeling of commitment, confidence and optimism


Scientist (PhD), 54 years old (Balanced System, Creative Breakthrough)



Deadlock work in a scientific institution that had long ago lost leading positions in the area. Absence of development, only "going with the flow".

Invested considerable effort in own education in a very promising and interesting area that was previously absolutely unfamiliar to him (this area arose as an alternative only in the middle of the process of the Creative Breakthrough).

Periodic unsuccessful experiments with additional work and businesses on the side.

Using new knowledge and skills, found new partners, joined the team as the head of an independent direction. Considerably improved financial situation.

Drinks alcohol, smokes, eats a lot of unhealthy  and does not exercise at all. Serious problems with weight, health, and intimacy.

Ceased to drink and smoke, monitors food, regularly exercises. Health restored, body and appearance improved (lost over 30 lb. of fat), abilities in intimate life considerably improved.

Constant tension in the family, nit-picking from his wife, conflicts and disrespect from children.

Relationships with his wife improved considerably. Wife followed his example in improvement of nutrition and physical form. Children saw their father in a new way for the first time, and say that they are proud of him.

Generally depressed. Passively resigned to destiny. Thinks that it's impossible to do anything.

General feeling of flight and that life begins just now.
