General Strategy


Perhaps you've heard or read about business strategy, military strategy, strategy in computer games, or strategy of the state.

The purpose of this project is to help you create your own Personal Strategy.

You may ask, "Why do I need a personal strategy?"


First, because it gives you the opportunity to achieve the highest possible feeling of life satisfaction and happiness.

It gives you the opportunity to reach the maximum potential in your life.

In addition, personal strategy allows you to efficiently achieve your specific goals in different areas of your life.

Having a personal strategy gives you a chance to prolong your life as much as possible and live your life to the fullest extent possible.

It creates in you a sense of harmony, energy, optimism, confidence, and spirituality.

Finally, your personal strategy pervades your daily existence. Your guidelines ensure that each day of your life is meaningful.



When you have a personal strategy, you will have the answer to these two questions:

  • What do I live for?
  • How do I live?

Your mission, or the general purpose of your life, is primarily what you are living for.

Based on this, you can derive your principles. This is not necessarily based on any external (e.g., religious or social) principles. These are your personal principles, and they guide you throughout your whole life.

For example, "Thou shalt not kill" is a principle, "Take everything you can out of life" is also a principle, as is, "Give everything to others."

This is not some external dogma imposed upon you. You are the one who needs to choose which principles best suit your life.

From this, your goals follow. These may be short-term, long-term, or even life-long goals.

These are your personal goals, not imposed from any external source, and are thought out and heartfelt.

Perhaps you want to develop as a professional, raise your children, donate to a charity that feeds starving people, buy a car, have breast augmentation, or walk across the continent of Asia. In any case, it should be your goal if that’s what you really want to do.

When you know what you live for, you can talk about how you live.

What are your plans for the next day, month, year, or decade? What are specific tasks, dates and milestones?

And in the end, you determine how you live every moment of your life, right now. Your actions, thoughts and emotions are all determined by you, as is what you are doing in all areas of your life, what you are thinking about and how you feel every day.



The project on personal strategy is based on well-developed tools of business strategy.

It’s hard to imagine a large company, especially one that is successful and growing, that would not develop based on a solid strategy. Because this is such an important part of business, billions of dollars have been invested in techniques, methodologies, and intellectual capital of corporate strategies.

This site was created by people who have done this for decades, who have created such strategies for hundreds of companies as well as millions of people.



These approaches are, of course, adapted to the individual, and the project on personal strategy covers all factors of your life.

This includes:

  • physical factors (your body)
  • your goals
  • your emotions and mood

 All of these elements not only need to be balanced, but also impact each other strongly, making them part of your overall personal strategy.

We are working on short-term and long-term plans and actions.

We use both the left-brain and right-brain methods (logical and emotional).

Finally, we're talking about both general philosophy and principles, as well as specific recommendations and concrete steps that should be taken, based on your personal strategy. We even detail the specific numerical parameters that determine your daily existence.



You may have questions.

For example, "I have no time; why should I do that?”

To this, we have another question. “What is in your life (for a few hours or a few days), which is more important than your whole life? What could be more important than something that can change your life, and redirect it for decades to come?”

You may not understand all of this, which is absolutely understandable. This is a very sophisticated approach. It is complex, and it is based on deep, fundamental principles and approaches as well as powerful professional tools.

We certainly are warning you that this project is not like some funny video on Youtube, which you view just to relax and have fun. This project does require some effort on your part. But the results exceed your effort many times.

We also divided the project into two levels: basic and advanced. The basic level will enable you to understand, in general, where to go. The advanced level, of course, is more useful. If you are able to make the necessary emotional and intellectual efforts needed and reach the advanced level, then you will find it is of much more use.


And you may just not believe that what is described here is possible. You may have never encountered such a program in your life, so you may not understand how it may be applied to your life.

Here we can reassure you. The project is built on a very deep foundation, as we said, from the sphere of business. In addition, each module through which you will pass is based on the latest achievements of science and experience in that particular field.

Finally, all of this is adapted to you personally. Each step you'll take is not based on some external influence, such as someone telling you what to do; it is based on your own thought out and heartfelt decisions. And the question to believe or not to believe is no longer relevant, because these are your decisions and your actions.




Personal strategy has two main sections: the Balanced System and the Creative Breakthrough.

The Balanced System is focused on the life that you have now. If everything is fine with your life model, with your "personal architecture", and it is on an upward trajectory, then it makes sense to optimize and gradually improve what you have.

This approach is based on very well-developed techniques in business: "balanced scorecard", "KPI" and "operating efficiency improvement." This approach gives you specific recommendations (many of them numerical), which you can implement right now.

The other half of the project is called the Creative Breakthrough. Often, people have a situation in which the personal architecture is outdated, and it is necessary to find a new life model. To do this, you need to take a more radical approach and go through the process of self-innovation.

The Creative Breakthrough uses a different methodology from business called "business model innovation." It requires a much deeper combination of systemic thinking and creativity. It requires you to expand the boundaries of your mind, abilities, opportunities and desire to make drastic steps in your life.


These two parts of Personal Strategy are related to each other and occur in different periods of life. Let's review such situations.



We all go through various life cycles, the cycles of our personal architectures (life models).

For example, you may be a student. Perhaps your life is built around learning, social relationships associated with college, and your relationships may be diverse, interesting, and sometimes superficial. You may still be financially dependent on your parents. You have a whole interconnected system of your life. But at some point, it disappears, because a new phase of your life occurs when your education is over and you have to progress elsewhere in life. Your personal architecture faded.

Or maybe you're a mother, and you've spent many years raising your children. Being a mother was your highest calling in life during this period. But then your children are grown and, through the passage of time, your personal architecture is winding down, and the peak has passed.

Or you, for example, you may be a small business owner in the retail market. For many years, you have been successful, and for a long time, your personal architecture has been built around your success in business. But then the big retail chains pushed you out of those segments where you used to work. And in this case, the external environment has determined that your personal architecture has become diminished. You must now look for a new model.


Thus, you can be in the stage of growth or even at the peak of your personal architecture, or you can be in the stage of decline.

If you are in the stage of growth, then it makes sense to optimize and improve your life, to balance the system.

But we argue that if you are at the stage of decline, you should not optimize. Optimizing during a decline does not make sense. You will still roll down this hill. Instead, you need to find a new personal architecture and go through a Creative Breakthrough towards the new you.


In order to determine where you are now, you can take our mini-test.

This test takes about 10-15 minutes. It will give you the opportunity to define your priorities and help you decide where to start.

