I Only Care about Career (or Relationships, Money, Body, Confidence, Self-Discipline…). Why Do I Need Everything Else?


When you plunge into the modules of the Balanced System, you will understand that none of these questions can be solved in isolation. All three blocks (Body, Goals and Mood) and all of the concrete modules strongly influence each other, either directly or indirectly. 

If you're narrowly limited to only one subject, you will not reach the maximum result.

Each specific question that may interest you now (career, relationships, money, body shape, confidence, self-discipline…) can be solved most effectively only within your entire system of life.

Let's give only one example: relationships (but the same applies to each specific area).


Those who indefinitely read books, articles and Internet resources about dating and psychology, but do nothing, do not reach success in relationships.

Those who act, but only in the narrow direction of dating, including the Internet, seduction "techniques," going through psychological training programs and/or coaching, still do not reach the best results in relationships and remain disappointed.

Our experience and large-scale statistical research shows that the best way to find the ideal partner and to construct dream relationships is to change your entire life. This is accomplished by creating and executing your complete personal strategy, including all factors of your life: fitness, nutrition, rest, health, confidence, optimism, self-discipline, mental clarity, career, money, family, friends, and self-realization (plus, of course, specific actions regarding dating and relationships).

People who use this method reach the level of happiness in relationships almost 3 times higher than those who only actively get dates or go through relationships coaching, and 7 times(!) higher than those who only reflect and browse the Internet.


The example of relationships given here is only one of many illustrations. The same convincing data exists for all specific subjects.

Therefore, the most effective way to reach the maximum results in a specific area is to change your entire life.


At the same time, the area of your special attention can serve as a starting point. Having begun with implementation of concrete recommendations about your burning question, you will very quickly face the need to develop all of the other areas.

Having passed through some cycles of gradual improvements, you will cover all of the system of your life, and will probably come to need a change of life model by means of a Creative Breakthrough.

Start your Personal Strategy Project here.


