Using powerful tools of business strategy to drive your personal strategy

Mini-test: your Personal Strategy today

Project to improve your current life
(Balanced System)

Project to create your new life
(Creative Breakthrough)
  • Improve your current life in each field
  • Find balance and improve the whole system of your life
  • Disentangle the web of interdependencies
  • Find all options for your new life and main goals
  • Make a clear decision about creating your new life
  • Pragmatically create your new life


  • Don't just click around different topics. Start here.

  • If you're just interested in one of the topics (career, relationhsips, money, fitness, confidence ...), don't just click it. The best way to succeed in a particular field - change your entire life. more

  • Creating your personal strategy and changing your life take time and effort, but, fortunately, less than a typical college course. more

  • If you care about your friends and would like to help them change their lives, please share this with them: